Okapi In Society
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Social Involvement
Okapi Energy Group and it’s subsidiary, Kamsar Petroleum, dedicated resources to support communities with the effects of the global pandemic.
OKAPI ENERGY, sponsors surgery for children with cleft, in Guinea Conakry. Smile Train Guinea Conakry.
Sport activities are important in leading a healthy life. At OKAPI ENERGY, we not only share this belief but we sponsor and partner with sport organisations.
Okapi Energy Group sponsors Mountain Bike champion, Lauryne Chappaz. At 19- year-old, Lauryne Chappaz is the 2020 Junior Mountain Bike World Champion and the future of the French downhill mountain biking team.
We work hard and play hard too, OKAPI ENERGY GROUP believes for best performance in the corporate world the body and mind must be refreshed. What better way to refresh the body and mind than Polo, where Man and Horse become strategic partners to succeed.
At OKAPI ENERGY, we form valuable strategic partnerships not only in the business world but also on the Polo field.